Anyone have a machine that slows down time?

I can't believe that I've been here for almost a month already, time is going entirely too fast.  Everything is still a little surreal to me. This country is beautiful and I've met some amazing people from all around the world. Everyone is so loving, caring, helpful, hospitable and just simply amazing. I wouldn't trade any of this for anything.  I'm in love with life and so happy!

Ok, since I last did a blog I've been up to so much... including starting school.  School is going really well so far, about to start the third week.  I'm only taking 4 courses here as opposed to the 5 at home.  But really nothing to exciting to report on that front because it only just got started.  

Marjolein and me at the Beach House.   Every Tuesday is our pub night at the Beach House in Garden City.  They offer free cabs back to campus which would be more helpful if they had more than one cab, lol.  It's the thought that counts right?  

I found this sign in the bathroom in South Bank... I found it humorous.  It's just an FYI.

This well... is where it originated from.  This is one thing Australia can keep.

On the 30th we had a white party just out side of colleges, so basically you wore white and just got covered in florescent paint and broken glow sticks.  Such an amazing time!  The paint kind of stuck around for a while and I'm finding it everywhere.

On the 31st we participated in the Brisbane Amazing race, which had us going all over the city to find various things.  It was such a fun day, despite being hungover from the white party, we really got to know the city, which makes it easier to get around.  Although I'm still not sure of too much, my sense of direction has gone out the window since I got here.  I have no idea where North is, and it really throws me off.  I'm thinking of buying a compass, lol.

Team Adelaide.  This is from the beginning of the race.

I forget what the name of the bridge is called, but it's the largest solar foot bridge in the world, or maybe just Australia.  I probably should have paid attention more.

We had to take pictures of random things and one was with a bank logo.  And you got more points for being more creative.  Bottom row...Yves, Me, Veronique, Marjolein, Roosmarijn and Helen.

We also got more points if got more people in the picture. So we persuaded anyone we saw to get in the pictures.

At the end of our journey in the South Bank water park!  What you can't see in the pictures is buckets of water that tipped and spilled on you, so we were trying to get the person to take the picture as quickly as they could so we wouldn't get soaked.

Below are some pictures from the Potluck we had in our flat.  We had a little over 20 people I think, everyone brought a dish, so much delcious food.  We're going to try and do this every month!

Left to right:  Helen, Me, Christine, Pernille and Veronique.

I joined GRUBS, which is the Griffith Bushwalking club and one of the activities is rock climbing at kangaroo point every Wednesday.  This is Helen and Stef getting instruction before heading up.  I couldn't participate because... well, I was running last Monday and I rolled my ankle and hit the cement pretty hard, and I'm pretty sure I cracked my rib(s).   It was a pretty impressive fall, I should have got points for it.  But if you know me I've always been clumsy.  There really isn't anything you can do for a cracked rib, but take it easy and some pain meds, so I've been trying to take it easy.  But anyways I can't wait to tackle the rocks.  Kangaroo point is such a chill place to be, it's got a little community of climbers and everyone is so chill.

Looking down the rock face.

Joel and I at our wedding themed pub crawl.  All the girls were given corset print t-shirts and all the boys were given tuxedo t-shirts.  We went to three bars.  The first bar was to represent the engagement, the second was to represent the bachelorette / bachelor party, we were promised men without shirts, but it was all lies, haha.  And the final represented the wedding.  Such a good time!  We got up early the next day to head down to the Gold coast.

We headed early down to Gold Coast, we laid on the beach for the whole day.  Met up with a bunch of people, and once it got cold we went and chilled out in the hot tub at one of their apartments and went to amazing bbq, where the boys cooked for us and then headed out for a lovely night on the town.  I'm still not sure how anyone gets anything done on the Gold Coast, it's too beautiful and a little crazy.

At the BBQ.  Before heading out!  L to R: Knut, Helen, Lasse and Me.

After a night in GC we woke up and headed back to Brisbane for The Beautiful Girls at Ekka.
While waiting for The Beautiful Girls to come on we got treated to some fireworks.  Ekka is an agriculture exhibition.  It's just like a big fair, kind of like the Ex back home.  We're going again on Tuesday to check everything out, we just came to see the band.  So I'm sure there will be more pictures!

The Beautiful Girls.  Perfect set.  If you haven't heard them, go somewhere and listen to their music... like Now!.  Simply beautiful.

So that's what I have been up to for the last couple weeks. I'm trying to take advantage of all the time I have here, which keeps me really busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Once again, check FB for more pictures of my trip.

And I went and check out Inception too, such an amazing movie but a little frustrating at the end.

On another note I want to congratulate Alison and Ben on the arrival of little Alanna, she is absolutely perfect.  I'm really sad that I can't be there to meet her but can't wait to meet her when I get home.  Miss you guys.  

Till next time, Lots of love, 

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